The active ingredient for some moss killers is zinc sulfate monohydrate usually at concentrations of 99%. One brand name is Moss B Ware. Zinc sulfate will not stain roofs or corrode aluminum and galvanized gutters. To use zinc sulfate one can apply powder directly to moss areas. Manufacturers recommend that powder should be applied thoroughly - for example, up to three pounds for every 600 square feet. For spraying combine three pounds to five gallons of water and apply to 600 square feet. This product needs to be applied on a calm day.
Effectiveness: Powder application has been known to control mosses for two years and spraying application may need to be applied annually. Some roofing companies will guarantee no mosses for up to five years after using this product while treating roofs.
Negative Side Effects: This product is toxic both to fishes and aquatic invertebrates. Zinc sulfate should not be applied to water. If zinc sulfate comes into contact with neighboring plants, damage may occur. Plants and shrubbery should be draped when this chemical is being used.
Possible Alternatives: Though this product is effective in controlling mosses, it is not entirely environmentally safe or smart. Conside the need to control -- is there a different perspective or solution to your moss problem without polluting the environment?